March Madness Calendar Raffle

Media Kit

Media Kit & Brand Guidelines

Below you’ll find everything you need to know about the Love Live Local brand, and how to use it.

Our Name

Use the correct spelling, casing, and spacing when referring to our organization.

  • Love Live Local, not “LoveLiveLocal” or “LLL”.

Our Logo

You may use our logo in reference to our organization, but avoid using it in contexts where it could be mistaken for an official endorsement or offering.

Choosing the Right Logo

Our logo is available in color, black, and white variants. Use a color logo over very light or dark backgrounds. Otherwise, use a white or black logo depending on which is more legible.

Love Live Local Logo Usage

Logo Guidelines

Let it breathe. Our logo shouldn’t feel crowded by its surrounding elements. As a rule of thumb, it should have at least as much space on all sides as the width of the “Lov” in the word “Love”.

Let it scale. If you’re using our logo on the web, please use the SVG files when possible.

Don’t mess with it! We like our logo just the way it is, so please don’t:

  • Enlarge or shrink any part of the logo.
  • Surround the logo with a stroke.
  • Use a drop shadow with the logo.
  • Make a new container for the logo.
  • Disproportionately scale, skew, shear, stretch, or flip the logo.