March Madness Calendar Raffle


Sponsorship Opportunities

Be a part of Cape Cod’s leading local business advocacy organization.

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Partner with Us

Love Live Local has spent a decade spearheading the shop local movement on Cape Cod. We've become a trusted voice, bringing resources and opportunities to local businesses while highlighting their importance. Join us in our commitment to making Cape Cod an ideal destination for all who cherish it.

Matt Burke, Chair & CEO of Cape Cod 5

"Cape Cod 5 and Love Live Local share a commitment to supporting local businesses, which are the backbone of our region’s economy. We’re proud to be a long-time partner and sponsor of Love Live Local’s efforts and advocacy to help the Cape’s businesses thrive."

Matt Burke, Chair & CEO of Cape Cod 5

Sponsorship Levels

thank you to our generous sponsors

CC5 LogoThe cooperative bank of Cape codeA badge shape in white with black text, black perimeter, and a devil's purse seaweed at the top.