March Madness Calendar Raffle

Local businesses can form strong relationships with customers, which can lead to creative collaborations and satisfied customers. This is certainly the case at Stage Stop Candy in Dennis Port.

A truffle display from Stage Stop Candy
Post Date
Fri, Apr 1
Shop Local Stories
Truffle Display from Stage Stop Candy

As a local business, it is easy to form strong relationships with valued customers, which often means they will go above and beyond to meet the customer’s needs. 

Kevin Case, an Executive Chef, shares that his strong bond with the crew at Stage Stop Candy in Dennis Port has enabled him to get creative in his job as well as treat his friends and family to specialty sweets. 

Recently, he asked Mandi and her team to put together 15 boxes of truffles for a party. He says they helped him put together “mind-blowing boxes of truffles which not only complimented the Cuban style menu, but impressed everyone so much that they are still talking about them today.”

Every month, along with The Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod and Cape Cod Broadcasting, we share stories from across Cape Cod about how our local businesses do more for this community than simply provide goods and services and why shopping with them is more than just a single transaction.

Have a similar shop local story? Or want to share how a local business you know is giving back to the community, working with other local businesses or providing employment opportunities in a unique and interesting way? Nominate them here!