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Local Matters Reports 2021 Investigating Influence Report

A look into nationwide corporate concentration, consolidation and power and its impact on the local business community on Cape Cod. This report made possible by Cape Cod 5 + Mid-Cape Home Centers.

Local Matters Investigating Influence Report 2021
Post Date
Wed, Jun 9
Local Matters Reports

The focus of this report is on the show of corporate power in eight different industries: retail, food, restaurants, banking, broadband, waste removal, pharmacies, and newspapers. Extensive research and literature reviews were completed on each of the economic sectors to identify the major issues corporate concentration has caused over the past four decades, as well as what people and policymakers at all levels can do to mitigate the negative impacts.

We then connected with local business owners and community members for their input and experience in each of these sectors to provide a more localized perspective and to gauge the impact corporate consolidation has had right here on Cape Cod.

The harms and instabilities created by the corporate consolidation this research reveals are many, as are the reasons behind it; and both policy makers and consumers play a role in mitigating the impacts on small businesses and local communities.